viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


I think that for to begin to speak about the Mapuche’s situation is necessary make clear what we understand by Mapuche. Some people say that if you don’t eat ‘piñon’, and if you don’t live in a ‘ruca’ you aren’t mapuche. Others believe in the change and adaptation of the people to the new époques and that if the mapuche live in the city that isn’t a contradiction, and he can be considered as mapuche. But, what do you think???? Is the mapuche, in the currently times a Mapuche or is only a peasant???
For me this is a difficult question, I’m not sure about this. But this topic is very contingent and is discussing in all the fields of the society. And the question before raised is fundamental, because if you say that today the Mapuche don’t exist, that mean that you invalidate all their demands.
In the judge of the mapuche’s people there are interests of power, because to attend to the demands of this people affected all system created by the Dictatorship and keeping by the Coalition and the Piñera’s government.
I think that all the native people of this country feel that since the dictatorship their Human Rights have been violate. Now the violence isn’t only coercive, today the hegemonies use a cultural power for to attack this people. I think that the feeling of cultural death is general.
About the antiterrorism law I don’t know very much, but about the currently success I need to express my meet feelings with the president. How do you explain that the Coalition, in 20 years of government calling itself a left wing government did nothing with this law??? Only the falseness and a dirty consensus with the dictators can produce that. And now a facist comes and says: the antiterrorism law will be changed and we will open a table’s dialogue!!! I’m not sure about the problem will be solved only with that, and if a government of Right can do that.
I think that this politicians doing things that correspond to the contrary ideology is confused for me and all the population.

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Rock made it by the woman!

Today we are freeeeeeee! We are in holidays, and we can to write about any thing! In the last month I had the idea of to form a group of girls, a band with only girls, and I’ll play the bass there. But that isn’t the point. A friend said me that I should make me an habitus of bands where the integrants only be girls or where they be an important part. Thus, we began to listen to Patty Smith, Björk, Blondie, Pixies, and the band that will be my topic today: The Runaways.
The Runaways was born in 1975. This band haven’t a real formation, I mean that was created for other person. This person (I don’t remember their name) joined five girls according the product that he liked. Thus, he makes a band with a guitar of base, a soloist guitar, a bass, a drummer and a voice. Two important integrants are Joan Jett in the base guitar and Cherry Currie in the voice. This man got the perfect combination between the punk and the glam with these girls. Joan Jett was a fanatic of the punk and rock: Sex Pistols, Stooges. And Cherrie’s liked David Bowie and all the glam movement. Of this mixture was born a sound and style so interesting.
The punk as movement is very important for the moment. The slogan of the punk is “does it yourself”. These mean that you can play a guitar, bass or other instruments without to be a virtuous. You use the music for to express something real, things that you feel, the problems in your social class. One of the consequents is that the woman takes an instrument and she does it their songs. Joan Jett is the woman that writes the song in The Runaways, she is the brain.
In 1976 the band did their first disc called The Runaways, and 1976 or 1977 they did a tour by Japan. Then Cherry Currie leaves the band. Without Cherry, Joan had to sing too. For many people, The Runaways without Cherry lost their heavy style. But other thing that, without Cherry, the band enters more in the punk became to be heavier.
But, I want the judgement of the public! Here is the link with the presentation of The Runaways in Japan with Cherry in the voice singing the first song of the band “Cherry Bomb” (written by “the man”): And here is the link with The Runaways in 1977 with Joan as voice. This song called “School Days”:
I hope that my classmates say in their comments what think about this band, in specific, the contrast between this two “periods”.