viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Tusunami marepoto

Today, we have to write about some important news of this year. Well, we could speak about the earthquake, the trapper miners or the thermo electrical plant. The media of communications have done of this news a ‘show’ (in the Chilean sense of the word). For this reason, I’m not going to speak about this, but I`m going to refer to our president: Sebastian Piraña.
In my opinion this is the most important notice, because it is very striking, (due to the historic and political sense of this country), that after 20 years of the “so called democracy”, the people have chosen a person from the Right to govern. In fact, this is the most impressive, that the same people choose to be government by a businessman.
Isn`t the better for the poor people have a Right Government in all the senses. In fact, according to the last survey, the poverty and the differences of income between poor and rich increased. This is a sociological problem about why the people choose a thing that isn´t convenient for them. I think that the almost 20 years of dictatorship and the 20 years with the Coalition of the centre-left did it a “good job” in the people. I mean we have been culturally educated for accept thing as this.
In the press this fact isn’t mentioned, now is most important the miners and the profit that they can to earn with the lives of this persons. The media is so powerful because they have the control of all of that the people see. If they show the famous lives, the people see that. And the worse is that there isn’t a critic sense in the people about that you see and consumed.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

The threes bearded mans

Since I was 17 or 16 years old I listened the music of Quilapayún. The last year, in 2009, the group did a tour in tribute to Victor Jara. They played in different places of Chile, and the tour finished with a concert in Teletón theatre in Santiago.
I knew about the concert because I always check in Google the notice of the artist that I like. I decided to go to this concert because it was an only opportunity of to see to great Quila, and interpret song of their early stage. And, I had the money for to pay the ticket!
That concert was incredible! I couldn´t believe that I was listening to Quilapayún in live!!! The event was divided in two parts: first, they interpreted songs of the older albums, when victor was the director of the group. Then, they played a lot of hits of the seventies and they just sounded so perfect, with their voices all together, it was wonderful.
In fact, the show was very emotional because Victor´s funeral was just finished a while ago, because he was buried in someplace else.
I though it was very beautiful to listen at so many instruments at the same time. Like always, they played with instruments of every corner of Latin America! And i was so close of the stage i could almost touch these beautiful instruments.
So, i must say that i enjoy very much this concert, i a hope i will see they again some day. It would be great also that new groups in Chile begin to use harmonies with their voices just like Quilapayun do. I think people doesn´t do that anymore as before.

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010


This is the first blog in the new semester and today we have three themes for to write: Animal rights in Chile, Education in Chile, Gender and opportunities in Chile. I think that my knowledge about the education isn`t sufficient as to speak about this, but is the subject more interesting, in my opinion. Well, my text will be about the education in Chile.
All the government have the education as one of their principally objectives for to improve. The emphasis is understandable because the education is the most efficient means for the social reproduction.
Things as of the quality of the education and the differences between a private and a public school and the cost are related with the point already indicated. These obstacles look naturals, as a given condition. But, ours life are mediates by the hegemonic group. If you are poor, the possibilities for can improve your life are shatter because you go to the school where the education isn´t the better, the difference with pay college do that enter to the university are uneven.
Is important to consider with critic vision this problem because the view isn`t encouraging: poverty and the differences of income between poor and rich increased according to the last survey.