viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Tusunami marepoto

Today, we have to write about some important news of this year. Well, we could speak about the earthquake, the trapper miners or the thermo electrical plant. The media of communications have done of this news a ‘show’ (in the Chilean sense of the word). For this reason, I’m not going to speak about this, but I`m going to refer to our president: Sebastian Piraña.
In my opinion this is the most important notice, because it is very striking, (due to the historic and political sense of this country), that after 20 years of the “so called democracy”, the people have chosen a person from the Right to govern. In fact, this is the most impressive, that the same people choose to be government by a businessman.
Isn`t the better for the poor people have a Right Government in all the senses. In fact, according to the last survey, the poverty and the differences of income between poor and rich increased. This is a sociological problem about why the people choose a thing that isn´t convenient for them. I think that the almost 20 years of dictatorship and the 20 years with the Coalition of the centre-left did it a “good job” in the people. I mean we have been culturally educated for accept thing as this.
In the press this fact isn’t mentioned, now is most important the miners and the profit that they can to earn with the lives of this persons. The media is so powerful because they have the control of all of that the people see. If they show the famous lives, the people see that. And the worse is that there isn’t a critic sense in the people about that you see and consumed.

6 comentarios:

  1. Well Viviana, AS you say it is an interesting sociological issue. If you look at New Zealand or Britain,among other countries, they have also opted for the right wing after years of "left" government. That brings us to the question of what was done wrongly or what is wrong with us all. I also think it is very striking and bad.

  2. That awful your picture!!!
    Is Vomitivo, the twice in the picture.
    I think that don’t have so much difference into the figures in the picture. But I prefer the right.

  3. My opinion is similiar, but i feel that is very important that the people thinking more and question their self about the medias that read.

  4. JAjaj... VIVI!!!
    Piñera, Piñera... He makes me laugh..
    but also he surprised me when I see the news and he said NO to the thermo elctrical in Pta. de Choros.. good action but he should do it..

    and why he read a private letter.??

  5. Your picture is amazing. Can be it a comparison?

  6. Jaja
    He is our dear president... I know many poeple that chose him, they thinking and waiting some change and chance of our country...
