viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Retrospective of my English Class

I thought that after the school I wouldn’t need and I wouldn`t have English classes anymore. Complete freedom. But, The University of Chile was thinking with other point of view, and included in our studies program an obligatory course of English. My experience with the English class in school was really bad, considering the teacher, the methodology, and the education’s quality. My trauma with this matter to threatened my stay in my career (in a hyperbolic sense). But, if I do a recount of these 2 years with the English class I can say that the trauma is to get over.

The first level in the English class was really funny and relaxed, that was like a therapy for the stress in the career. When the second level started the difficulty rose a bit, but nothing really bad. The third level was a bad dream for me; the change of second level to third level was like a hit. The difficulty increased and that was it reflects in my listening test’s marks. But with a retrospective look I think that was necessary for can improve my English.

The work’s methodology is, in my opinion, appropriate. But that depends to the teacher. I think that the incentive for to do the class a bit more recreational and pleasant is really necessary if you considerer the statute of the class, is obligatory. Which is obvious because is the language of the globalized world. If you want to communicate with French person or with Japanese person you must use English. The people whose natural language isn’t English, they must to borrow an idiom that isn`t own of them. I’m included in that group.

I think that the oral practice in class has been very useful. You have the possibility of improve your vocabulary and to practice a real conversation. The themes for discuss with the classmates has been really interesting, related with the contingence political and social. But I think that is a merit of the each teacher. Also, the constantly task of the writings in English blogs is a tool for put in order the ideas and practice in vocabulary and grammar. Finally, the reading has been an element to help me in this class.

If you ask about a negative aspect of the English Class, I can say that isn`t a bad experience for a person whose knowledge of the language was minimum. Maybe, a factor of absence is the idea that isn’t necessary increase the stress of the student with a “bored class”. I don’t think so. The good things that I got of this class exceed any bad experience that I have had.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Camilota's Blog

In the last semester I always visited or commented to a couple of people: Cony, María Antonieta, Camila and María Graciela. When the task was write about the best blog, I wrote about Mary’s blog. But now, I haven´t posted to the same peoples all the times. So, is difficult to choice one blog, because my knowledge about the complete content isn´t deep. I have enjoyed very much post, for example, the favorite personage of Diego and Lucy, I laughed too much. And I read really good contents in Camila’s and Berny’s blogs. I like very much when the classmate’s post express their ideas about contingents themes, like mapuches, not only by the task. But I’m not so serious and I like the sense humor too.

So, I think that the best blog in this semester was written by Camilota. I always read her posts and then I think “this girl is brilliant”; she has lucidity and critic sense. I like very much when she speak about politic themes; obviously, she loves to write about that. When the tasks are more personals, like about a travel, the favorite song, the perfect day or things like that, the Camila’s post are really nice, I remember that I enjoyed very much to read about this subjects in her blog. I think that is very important the visual component too, how Camila decided to present us. I like her background, and the pictures that she adjoins to the post.

Definitely, the post that I enjoyed most was about the career that she would like to study. She said “music”! I knew that she likes very much listen to music, but she never said that likes so much for to study music! Well, I was surprised about that, and then, she said that she didn`t study music because she haven´t talent! I comment her post, and I told her that in music, for to compose, is not necessary to be a virtuous in the instruments, only you need intelligence and creative capacities. And you have that!!!!!!
About the bad aspects.......I think that maybe she could improve her vocabulary, and things like that. I really like her blog. I can`t criticize her!

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

The Uncle Robert

Well, today, I have to write about the greatest Chilean. It is very difficult for me to choose one person out of the pantheon of the “grandes chilenos” (a quote to that program of TVN). There are many characters important for the Chilean history and culture. For example, Violeta Parra, Salvador Allende, Clotario Blest, Luis Emilio Recabarren, and many others. But, for today, I’ll speak about a popular character; maybe the people in general think that he was only a popular singer without big importance. But I’ll restore their image. Well, I’m speaking of Tío Roberto Parra.
Well, he was born in 1921, and he was the younger brother of Nicanor, Hilda, Violeta and Lalo. And, like Violeta, he had to leave home for to work singing in the Mercado de Chillán when he was a child. I remember an anecdote about he and his brother Lalo (they always were closer) when they joined to a Circus, it broke and they had to return to home without food and money. They arrived to the police, and they question them if they know to sign, and they sang a cueca. All the people were very impressed, then, they come back home in train... This is really nice, because there are the beginnings of the kind of life of these two brothers.
Almost all the people know him by “La negra Ester”, his theatre’s play, inspired in his romance with a “lady” in Valparaíso. But I think that his music is really important. He created the “jazz guachaca”, a mixture of the jazz and the chilean folklore. In this point, is very relevant his legacy to the rock in the 90’. Why? He is in the base of Los Tres’s music.
I think that he was a person that did his life like he wanted. I mean, he left the common life in family, with children, work... He worked when he wanted to eat, or something like that, and he used almost all his time with his music and poetry. I think that I would ask him about all the stories that he lives, in the street, in the field, in the harbor, in the brothel....
I remember that a written said that when he knew Nicanor’s poetry, was amazing. But he changed him by Violeta, when he knew her. And then, he definitely chose Roberto Parra.
*In the picture: Angel Parra and his uncle Roberto (with black suit).

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

My ideal career

Today I want to write about a career that I would have wanted to study. I think that almost all my classmates have an idea about the career that I would like to study: Anthropology. The questions to answer are: How and when you knew about the career? Explain what do the people that study that career, and Why would you have liked to study this career?
I don’t know when was born in me the tendency toward this matter. I always remember that a friend told me that the work that Violeta Parra did with the peasant, was a work of anthropologist. I said: I want to do that too!!!! Well, the score in PSU wasn`t sufficient, so, here I’m.
When I was in first, second and third year in the university, I began to take part in class in the career. And I began to understand more the work of an anthropologist. This is related with the human and the culture. One of the first definitions of this career that I read is: The anthropology is the man’s study. This is really abstract and general. In other definitions I read that the anthropologist studied the culture. So, for me, the anthropology is the study of the man through the culture.
I think that this career would be perfect for me. The first reason is related with our career. I’m not regretful of to enter in the Art. I like the subject, and is directly related with the culture. I don`t have an obsession by the object, the painting, for example. Yeah, is really beautiful, but for me is only an object. The man or the people that did that work of art are my focus of interest. So, I would study the human behaviour through Art (a part of the culture).
I could do all the things that an anthropologist do (fieldwork, travels), but always related with the art. So, I think that in the future I’ll study a master or the under grade in anthropology. I’ll do it!
*In the picture: Claud Levi Strauss during ethnography' works.