viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Camilota's Blog

In the last semester I always visited or commented to a couple of people: Cony, María Antonieta, Camila and María Graciela. When the task was write about the best blog, I wrote about Mary’s blog. But now, I haven´t posted to the same peoples all the times. So, is difficult to choice one blog, because my knowledge about the complete content isn´t deep. I have enjoyed very much post, for example, the favorite personage of Diego and Lucy, I laughed too much. And I read really good contents in Camila’s and Berny’s blogs. I like very much when the classmate’s post express their ideas about contingents themes, like mapuches, not only by the task. But I’m not so serious and I like the sense humor too.

So, I think that the best blog in this semester was written by Camilota. I always read her posts and then I think “this girl is brilliant”; she has lucidity and critic sense. I like very much when she speak about politic themes; obviously, she loves to write about that. When the tasks are more personals, like about a travel, the favorite song, the perfect day or things like that, the Camila’s post are really nice, I remember that I enjoyed very much to read about this subjects in her blog. I think that is very important the visual component too, how Camila decided to present us. I like her background, and the pictures that she adjoins to the post.

Definitely, the post that I enjoyed most was about the career that she would like to study. She said “music”! I knew that she likes very much listen to music, but she never said that likes so much for to study music! Well, I was surprised about that, and then, she said that she didn`t study music because she haven´t talent! I comment her post, and I told her that in music, for to compose, is not necessary to be a virtuous in the instruments, only you need intelligence and creative capacities. And you have that!!!!!!
About the bad aspects.......I think that maybe she could improve her vocabulary, and things like that. I really like her blog. I can`t criticize her!

6 comentarios:

  1. I like the Camila's blog too, she is very clear in her ideas.
    And, well, allways is difficult to see bad aspects in the thing that we like.

    Regards, Viviana!

  2. Jajajaja, yes Camila like music very much!!!
    The picture is very Camila, jajaja. I like the choose.

  3. Camila the great critic!!

    And me too commented only your blogs girls.. :O

  4. AYYYYHH vivi i´m going to cry, thank you!!!
    i think that my post was not very clear.
    but that you conciderer my blog is very important for me :)

  5. I must admit that I have not put sufficient attention to Camila's blog, but with your comments, it is possible to see that it is super interesting.
