viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Retrospective of my English Class

I thought that after the school I wouldn’t need and I wouldn`t have English classes anymore. Complete freedom. But, The University of Chile was thinking with other point of view, and included in our studies program an obligatory course of English. My experience with the English class in school was really bad, considering the teacher, the methodology, and the education’s quality. My trauma with this matter to threatened my stay in my career (in a hyperbolic sense). But, if I do a recount of these 2 years with the English class I can say that the trauma is to get over.

The first level in the English class was really funny and relaxed, that was like a therapy for the stress in the career. When the second level started the difficulty rose a bit, but nothing really bad. The third level was a bad dream for me; the change of second level to third level was like a hit. The difficulty increased and that was it reflects in my listening test’s marks. But with a retrospective look I think that was necessary for can improve my English.

The work’s methodology is, in my opinion, appropriate. But that depends to the teacher. I think that the incentive for to do the class a bit more recreational and pleasant is really necessary if you considerer the statute of the class, is obligatory. Which is obvious because is the language of the globalized world. If you want to communicate with French person or with Japanese person you must use English. The people whose natural language isn’t English, they must to borrow an idiom that isn`t own of them. I’m included in that group.

I think that the oral practice in class has been very useful. You have the possibility of improve your vocabulary and to practice a real conversation. The themes for discuss with the classmates has been really interesting, related with the contingence political and social. But I think that is a merit of the each teacher. Also, the constantly task of the writings in English blogs is a tool for put in order the ideas and practice in vocabulary and grammar. Finally, the reading has been an element to help me in this class.

If you ask about a negative aspect of the English Class, I can say that isn`t a bad experience for a person whose knowledge of the language was minimum. Maybe, a factor of absence is the idea that isn’t necessary increase the stress of the student with a “bored class”. I don’t think so. The good things that I got of this class exceed any bad experience that I have had.

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