viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

The Uncle Robert

Well, today, I have to write about the greatest Chilean. It is very difficult for me to choose one person out of the pantheon of the “grandes chilenos” (a quote to that program of TVN). There are many characters important for the Chilean history and culture. For example, Violeta Parra, Salvador Allende, Clotario Blest, Luis Emilio Recabarren, and many others. But, for today, I’ll speak about a popular character; maybe the people in general think that he was only a popular singer without big importance. But I’ll restore their image. Well, I’m speaking of Tío Roberto Parra.
Well, he was born in 1921, and he was the younger brother of Nicanor, Hilda, Violeta and Lalo. And, like Violeta, he had to leave home for to work singing in the Mercado de Chillán when he was a child. I remember an anecdote about he and his brother Lalo (they always were closer) when they joined to a Circus, it broke and they had to return to home without food and money. They arrived to the police, and they question them if they know to sign, and they sang a cueca. All the people were very impressed, then, they come back home in train... This is really nice, because there are the beginnings of the kind of life of these two brothers.
Almost all the people know him by “La negra Ester”, his theatre’s play, inspired in his romance with a “lady” in Valparaíso. But I think that his music is really important. He created the “jazz guachaca”, a mixture of the jazz and the chilean folklore. In this point, is very relevant his legacy to the rock in the 90’. Why? He is in the base of Los Tres’s music.
I think that he was a person that did his life like he wanted. I mean, he left the common life in family, with children, work... He worked when he wanted to eat, or something like that, and he used almost all his time with his music and poetry. I think that I would ask him about all the stories that he lives, in the street, in the field, in the harbor, in the brothel....
I remember that a written said that when he knew Nicanor’s poetry, was amazing. But he changed him by Violeta, when he knew her. And then, he definitely chose Roberto Parra.
*In the picture: Angel Parra and his uncle Roberto (with black suit).

7 comentarios:

  1. Vivi!! you always connected with violeta
    that is good!

  2. I know only a bit about Roberto Parra, but with you post encourage me for search information and music of him.


  3. My family is very well known, we're very gifted you know...

    Goverment should gave us a monument for the contribution of our last name to this country!

  4. I don't know if I am well, but I remember that Los Tres have an album with Roberto Parra, or many songs... well, that album is great.

    Regard, Viviana. And yes, my post is absolutely a joke.

  5. vivi you are a "historian of the Parras". almost ane leaf of parra more ajajjaja

  6. I'll have to agree with Camila. Vivi should be the official historial for the Parra's family. What do you think, Diego?

  7. see see!! i'm posting you xD
    and also, i agree with the teacher :P

    Take care =)
